In this article you will find information proving what a fantastic product LOVE JUGS are, and how dramatically a Love Jugs Cooling System will improve your bike’s engine heat issues, reduce oil temperatures, and improve engine performance due to the fact that the hotter your engine, the less power it will produce. The days of rear cylinder shut down, pinging, and sluggish performance are over the moment your bike is Love Jugs equipped. You as well as your passenger’s riding comfort is a lot more pleasant, even on hot summer days.
Everything you will read here are verifiable and proven facts, presented to you, so you can be better informed about the LOVE JUGS Cooling System, and what they will do for you and your Harley. No other cooling system in the world can claim to be better than Love Jugs, because they are not, in fact, no other cooling system is even close to the engine cooling results that the “Patented” Love Jugs are proven to deliver.
Obviously, how an accessory looks is an important component in the decision making process for purchasing your air cooling system. Surely, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and esthetic judgement is up to each individual.
The best judge is your own eye. Above is a photo from one of our discerning customers. LOVE JUGS looks pretty good to them and their mates who admire their well appointed LOVE JUGS equipped machines. See more photos by clicking here , I think you’ll be impressed.
The answer can be summed up in one word – PERFORMANCE! In this article you will see why the performance gap between LOVE JUGS and any other air cooling system is so wide as to be unbridgeable. If you doubt what I say, read on to see why I can make this unequivocal statement with complete confidence.
Love Jugs are by far the most powerful and effective cooling system available. There are some that say that Love Jugs’ superior power is overkill, nothing could be further from the truth. Don’t believe me, here is what the Buell engineers quote in their US Patent application for a forced air cooling system. “The higher the volume of air flowing over an air cooled motorcycle engine, the more effective the cooling fins are at transferring heat from the engine to the air.”
The bottom line is that the more forced air that you can direct at the heat source, the more dramatic the cooling results will be. More powerful streams of air will always cool substantially better than a lesser volume of air. Although this fact is inarguable, some proponents of competing systems will allege that a greater amount of forced air doesn’t really matter. The truth is that nothing matters more. The greater the volume of forced air – the greater the cooling results will be. THIS IS AN INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC FACT!

Let’s take a look at the facts: LOVE JUGS have been designed and manufactured to meet the highest standards of quality throughout. For example, LOVE JUGS are made of the best quality materials with no skimping anywhere. Our designers have an eye for beauty and our engineers understand physics – and they both know your Harley. Here’s what we offer you:
POWER:LOVE JUGS manufactures the most powerful, and by far the most effective, high performance, waterproof fans available. We do not use “Off the shelf” fans that all our competitors use. At 252 CMFs, our fans put out over twice the air as the nearest “competitor”. Don’t be fooled by the comments of overkill, your hot beast needs every bit of the velocity that we provide. But it’s not only how much air, but where that air flow is directed.
Our engineers have meticulously located the unit to sit at precisely the optimum placement to concentrate the LOVE JUGS powerful air streams, at the hottest area of your engine’s cylinders. Only a two fan system can properly direct the air to the critical heat producing areas; and only Love Jugs has the power to do so very effectively.
CONSTRUCTION: Love Jugs are designed and manufactured to be the highest quality in every regard. The body is all Aircraft quality Stainless Steel construction polished to a high chrome finish. Compare this material to others who’s body construction is either aluminum or mild steel. Although it’s more expensive, we exclusively use stainless steel because, unlike the other painted or chromed metals, it will never blister, chip. or rust.
Ten years from now LOVE JUGS will still look brand new. Another important fact that sets our product apart from the field is that no welding is used in our manufacturing process. This is especially important considering the extreme vibrating environment generated by a Harley engine. Weld free manufacture prevents material fatigue, as well as the the failure factor common in welded parts. These perils are not an issue for LOVE JUGS.
FANS: This is arguably the most important single element in all the systems. Let the facts speak for themselves. First of all LOVE JUGS fans are twice as powerful than their nearest competitor. In addition, they are 100% waterproof. You can see them blowing away the competition as well as actually running underwater on our website, We were shocked to discover that some other manufacturers actually have been employing less expensive indoor rated fans which will short out when exposed to water.
For over ten years our engineers aspired to master the art of cooling your hot beast. Using thermodynamic photography, along with in-shop and on-the-road testing, our engineers determined just how much power and what precise placement a cooling system needs to have in order to make your engine think it’s being cooled by an equivalent amount of air when standing still as it would tooling down the highway.
You cannot purchase or duplicate an axial fan with the strength in construction, huge CFM’s, and truly amazing high velocity air stream, that the custom manufactured Love Jugs fans produce. We have invested a lot of time and tons of money to manufacture this rugged and super powerful fan. Love Jug’s fans are not “Off the shelf” variety that every one of our competitors use. Our dedication to produce the best product in the world, has been rewarded with a proprietary design that is 300% stronger in fan construction, and up to 400% more powerful than the “Off the shelf” small, weak, and inexpensive indoor fans used by several of our competitors.
At Harley rallies and events all over the US, we have a working display of our complete line of Love Jugs, The typical reaction from everybody that puts their hand in the air stream is “WOW” That is really powerful! You really have to experience the power yourself to believe it.
WHY ARE LOVE JUGS THE BEST SELLING HARLEY ENGINE COOLING SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD? The answer can be summed up in two words – QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE! In this article you will see why the performance gap between LOVE JUGS and any other air cooling system is so wide as to be unbridgeable. If you doubt what we say, read on to see why we can make this unequivocal statement with complete confidence.
PERFORMANCE Love Jugs are by far the most powerful and effective cooling system available. Our competition says that Love Jugs’ superior power is overkill, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course they have to make up a ridiculously false statement like that. What else can they say? They can’t even come close to matching Love Jugs’ power and effectiveness. Here is what the Buell engineers quote in their US Patent application for a forced air cooling system. “The higher the volume of air flowing over an air cooled motorcycle engine, the more effective the cooling fins are at transferring heat from the engine to the air.”
WATERPROOFING: Love Jugs’ IP 68 fans have always been 100% waterproof from our first prototype on. They will actually run while submerged underwater as can be seen on our website. Believe it or not, some competing systems use indoor rated fans which will short out when exposed to water – even during a washing.
OIL TEMPERATURE: Oil temperature is another vitally important issue that LOVE JUGS solves. Even a fan assisted oil cooler cannot equal the cooler oil temps. of a Love Jugs equipped air cooled V-twin engine. It has been proven and well known that a LOVE JUGS cooling system will lower oil temperatures, which dramatically increases oil pressure especially at idle, due to the cooler operating engine temperatures of LOVE JUGS equipped bikes. Increased oil viscosity due to cooler oil is critical for the longevity of your engine. The kudos keep pouring in from our customers. Here are three examples of independent field testing run by our customers, and repeated with similar effects by many others:
“I have seen a rise in my oil pressure on my bike since my cool master install and I use Lucas synthetic oil, This is great news for those of us who are passionate about our engine’s performance and the comfort we have by knowing that our oil breakdown is not as much of an issue as it once was. Most Harley owners change their oil every 5K miles, new bikes get a 1K oil change once broken in, I myself am anal about changing my engine oil every 3,500K miles as I think the breakdown in oils differ from one to another and I do not want to follow what a manufacture suggested oil change recommends since the manufacturer doesn’t always consider how the engine is being used or abused once that motorcycle leaves the dealers showroom. I also have seen a temp drop 112 degrees on my bike.” Rick C – Kentucky
“Have you done an idle test on a newer Harley? The reason I am asking is that my bike used to idle at 6 to 8 lbs. oil pressure at now it idles at 16 to 18. That is something you should shout about. This is done with Amsoil full syn. 20-50 – Thomas R. – Port Saint. Lucie, FL
“I finally got to test my love-jugs today in the 90s here in Chicago I took off after work at 2:30 it was 89 degrees I rode till 4:00 in traffic. I Got home it was over 90 degrees outside. I let the bike idle an additional 5 min. In the heat. I checked my oil pressure at idle it was between 12-14 psi. Now after a ride like this my oil pressure would normally be at zero or just above. In fact I don’t think I have ever seen my oil pressure this high at idle. Yeee Haaa !!! My bike is now as cool as the guy riding it. Maybe I can use it for its intended purpose now, doing estimates after work. Before it was just to hot between the heat on my legs and that oil pressure gage haunting me it just wasn’t worth it. Oh also my rear cylinder never kicked off. Great job. I knew after talking with you on the phone and sensing how proud you were of your fans I would be as proud to put them on my bike – thanks!” – George S. Chicago, IL
Here is the actual reading:
INNOVATION: LOVE JUGS was the very first dual fan system on the market. It’s PATENTED design was developed over a multi-year year process of perfecting every detail of its performance, construction, and fabrication. This process was done by engineers who understand the physics as well as the machine. Others have tried to imitate LOVE JUGS but they consistently fail. The specs speak for themselves. You can fool some of the people, some of the time, but you can’t fool the laws of physics.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Our customer service department’s stated goal is “to match the quality of the product with the quality of our service”. We provide full product support, maintain an open line of communications, and above all, we aim to make our customer happy.
PRICE: Prices of competing air cooled systems run in a range between $500 and $900. LOVE JUGS is priced competitively at $349.00 to $499.00 including free priority delivery in the US. A careful comparison with other products makes LOVE JUGS clearly the best buy for your money when you want a product that actually will cool your hot Harley better than any competing system, and at a very reasonable price.
OPTIONAL ACCESSORY: Our “Patent Pending Frame Mount Kit” removes the entire Love Jugs and Harley horn cluster from the violently shaking engine and attaches it to the frame of the bike, thus eliminating 90+% of the vibrations compared to the direct engine mount vs the Harley horn mount bracket that is bolted to the heads of the engine. This much desired option is available for $89. This kit is highly recommended for the Harleys that will accept it.

Insures spot-on positioning for perfect maximum results. This much desired option is available for $89.
STYLE: Check out the popular Slots and Bullets designs and choose your favorite. Don’t forget to look at our newest model “The Cool Master”.
The Cool Master quickly became our biggest seller because of it’s smaller size and increased power.
INSTALLATION:Installing LOVE JUGS is simple enough for most do -it-yourself owners and is typically accomplished in 15-20 minutes without the Frame Mount Kit and about 45 minutes for those opting for the Kit. For those mechanically challenged, any Harley dealer or repair shop can do the job. Complete installation instructions are provided.
COMPETITION:If you’ve read this far you understand why we can confidently state straight up, that LOVE JUGS is the most powerful and effective Harley engine cooling product available – and we guarantee it! The copy cats and the single fan units are not in this elite class of cooling your hot V-Twin Engine.
The discerning reader can cut through the BS. If you want superior components, and superior cooling, why wait, order your LOVE JUGS now by clicking here.
Once you see Love Jugs in operation on the web site; once you open your parcel upon arrival; once you experience the quality of your new ride; you’ll know why we are shipping to satisfied customers all over the world. Quality and performance cannot be faked, physics cannot be denied.
BOTTOM LINE: LOVE JUGS is the most powerful and effective Harley Cooling system in the world. That’s why we proudly say, HOT HARLEY – PROBLEM SOLVED!
See the ultimate proof yourself. With a Harley idling on a 90 degree hot summer day; in 5 minutes and 47 seconds LOVE JUGS cools that scorching Harley engine down an amazing 100 degrees. To view this and other videos, click here.
ORDER HERE: I invite the discerning reader to do your own research. The deeper you dig the better LOVE JUGS will look. If you want superior workmanship and materials that deliver superior cooling, why wait? You can order your LOVE JUGS now, click here.