ENDORSEMENT STATEMENT by Canada’s Busted Knuckle Chronicles Magazine.
“Belt Drive Betty is proud to endorse Love Jugs, a really fantastic product. Love-Jugs have made a big difference in the comfort of my ride (preventing that thigh burn) as well as reducing the amount of engine vibration! I am positive my "Doc" loves them as he has never performed so well in high temperatures”! - Belt Drive Betty - AKA Renee Charbonneau, Editor - The Busted Knuckle Chronicles, Canada
Belt Drive Betty is proud to endorse Love Jugs, a really fantastic product. Love-Jugs have made a big difference in the comfort of my ride (preventing that thigh burn) as well as reducing the amount of engine vibration!
I am positive my "Doc" loves them as he has never performed so well in high temperatures!
- Belt Drive Betty - AKA Renee Charbonneau, Editor - The Busted Knuckle Chronicles, Canada