When I first met Dave Sandel, inventor and former rep of LOVE-JUGS at the V-Twin Expo Show in Cincinnati, I must say I was not convinced they had fixed the problem of hot Harley’s. I was so reluctant that I asked to move the interview to the final two hours of the last day of the show. I knew by then most everyone would have left to head home and most exhibitors would be packing up to move the next show. To my surprise, Dave Sandel and a former rep were smiling and waiting for us.

I thought to myself, “These guys are nuts. Didn’t they know I was going to rip their product apart with questions about the truth of their claim and the reliability of this toy?” You could tell they wanted to meet this challenge head-on and they were armed to answer every question to my complete satisfaction.

Before the first question, Dave boasted: “Hot Harley? Problem solved!” He continued, “Our systems are guaranteed to keep your oil flowing and your engine running significantly cooler, and it is guaranteed to make your ride cooler, too.”

A bit of history may help explain my hesitation to such a bold claim. The first Harley I rode for any distance was a 1965 Electra Glide. This “Blue Angel” was the coolest looking bike on the road at the time. However, it was anything but cool riding this demon in South Texas in August. Since that time I have tried many different devices and gadgets to keep the heat down. I’ve spent a lot of money, time, and effort trying to find something to cool down my Harley’s. Lately, I have been told that the parade fan is the way to go. Wrong! Then came the “LeNale Fan” with its promises. This was a waste as the mounting brackets were bolted to the back of the single (as in one) LeNale fan. I’m a biker, not an engineer, and even I know that a fan cannot work if you cover the airflow the fan is expected to put out.

So, here we are today still struggling with this same problem of heat. I love my Harley and I want to ride it even if it’s in the high 90s in Texas and not have to wait until the sun goes down to go riding. I put the sleek new LOVE JUGS

COOL-MASTER on our test bike and took off for a 2,068 mile test ride. I rode though the Daniel Boone National Forest, the Great Smoky Mountains, and the easy flowing traffic of Atlanta where, during rush hour traffic or construction, you can go at least 10-15 MPH for very short distances at any given time!

From Atlanta, I was off to Salem and Montgomery, AL. Then it was some open interstate running all the way to Vicksburg, MS. There I felt the need to get off the fast track and do some back road riding, so it was up to Yazoo City, MS where I saw a sign that said fresh donuts and coffee. I thought to myself “I know a great place for that”, so I headed to the French Quarter to Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans for some Beignets and Chicory Coffee. After I had had my fill, I headed back to Birmingham, AL; Nashville, TN; and then to Cincinnati, OH.

My LOVE JUGS fans withstood the harsh conditions I endured all along the way. LOVE JUGS have 100% waterproof outdoor rated fan motors, a fact that was confirmed during my trip! If it was not raining, it was as hot as Hades. The original model produces more than twice the cooling power of its closest competitor while the new model packs even more punch. The more air, the more comfort for the rider, and the more protection for your engine. The no nonsense, sleek face finish gives the unit a custom look that is as much at home on a $100,000 custom bagger as it is on a 25-year-old Electra Glide.
They will actually run while submerged underwater as can be seen on their website. Luckily, I didn’t have to ride submersed under water! Believe it or not, some competing systems use indoor rated fans, which will short out when exposed to water, even during a washing.

And yes… I do LOVE JUGS! I have had two Harley techs tell me because of the addition of the LOVE JUGS and an oil cooling system I have possibly extended the life of the most expensive part of my Harley – the engine – by a 50,000 miles. That is the best endorsement of a product I have ever given. LOVE JUGS are a great insurance policy and peace of mind for me.

For more information, visit them at LOVE-JUGS.com

**Please note this post has been updated by Hammerhead Engineering to remove names and contact info of parties that are not affiliated with Love Love Jugs or Hammerhead Engineering**



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Harley-Davidson & Indian Performance Add-On The Best Engine Cooler in the World – By The Mag Man, Randy Gracy
Born To Ride Industry Report – Love Jugs