Love Jugs are covering the earth – Two page spread from the Japanese Club Harley Magazine
WIN THIS HARLEY! Dennis Kirk Sweepstakes Update IV

Love Jugs
Cool Master Fan Installation
Story by Jason Mook – Photos by Jesse B. Nelson

Air Cooled V-twin engines have always battled against overheating. The air-cooled design requires air flowing around it in order to maintain a decent operating temperature. An engine in a motorcycle that is traveling at highway speeds, receives the necessary air to keep it cool and running properly. When that same motor gets stopped in traffic and has to sit stationary, engine temperatures can rise and create a dangerous situation for your V-twin. Although improvements such as increased oil capacity, larger cooling fin surface area and the EITMS (Engine Idle Temperature Management System) have helped the problem, an air-cooled motor needs air flowing on it to keep the temperature down. Love Jugs Cool Master Cooling System keep air flowing around the engine when it is stopped with two high powered fans, one for each cylinder. Whether the bike is stationary or moving, stay cool simply with the touch of a button. Difficulty Level: 1/5 Estimated Time to Complete: 0.75 hours

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